Below a picture of a young Kneefish… a very, very, VERY young kneefish to be honest
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Pictured here is the first introduction a young Kneefish receives to his family. The reproductive system of the Kneefish being what it is, every newborn kneefish anxiously awaits it’s first meal. Much to the shigrin of another newborn Kneefish.
Below a picture of a young Kneefish… a very, very, VERY young kneefish to be honest
As it has been well theorized over the year, Life on this planet began as a single celled organism. Through machinations and reasons we may never know, that single cell separated and each half went in their own Direction. After … Continue reading
Earnest Marbles, notorious cartographer who once had an ocean named after him …by him.
Voracious as he was ill tempered, this large predator was an ignorant bully to both it own kind and all the rest of fish kind. So much so, this ambush predator from the Late Notasoldazoic is referred to by some … Continue reading
Behold, an artist’s conception of the two-headed Kneefish , a variety of Kneefish that did not fare well in the grand scheme of things.
Nobody wants to go ahead and confirm anything, but there is a good possibility that the Kneejellyfish shares it’s DNA with the modern day Kneemonster. However there is a group of scientists who argue that it is nothing more than … Continue reading
As dumb as a post without all the charm, the kneesnail crawled around the Reallyoldazoic period going about its business as Kneesnail’s tend to do (slowy and without a lot of focus)
Some point to it as proof that God has a sense of humour. The Akneeba is a creature that later evolved in to a line of animals that were wildly successful on this earth despite a concerted effort on their … Continue reading
Born under the name Marmadukeorsomethinglikethat Nickerson (Named by his mother and passed along to census takers by his inattentive father) Nickerson lived his childhood in and around the seaport towns of Wales on the cusp of the age of Pirates. … Continue reading