Below a picture of a young Kneefish… a very, very, VERY young kneefish to be honest
National Scientific Stuff’s environmentalists of the Year
Below a picture of a young Kneefish… a very, very, VERY young kneefish to be honest
Voracious as he was ill tempered, this large predator was an ignorant bully to both it own kind and all the rest of fish kind. So much so, this ambush predator from the Late Notasoldazoic is referred to by some … Continue reading →
Behold, an artist’s conception of the two-headed Kneefish , a variety of Kneefish that did not fare well in the grand scheme of things.
This Issue, The National Scientific Stuff Society is pleased to introduce the eminent and well renowned Military Historian, Dr. Daniel Infintismo, who has graciously taken time from his lucrative North American lecture tour to pen this exhaustive history of the … Continue reading →
← National Scientific Stuff’s environmentalists of the Year
Environmentalists of the year Jeffrey Clearmountain and Nessa Bongagner
Environmentalists of the year Jeffrey Clearmountain and Nessa Bongagner protesting the hunting of the beleaguered, ocean going tigers.