Tyrannakneeosauras Found By Archeological Superstar

In what could possibly be the crowning achievement in archeology, Dr. Evelyn VanMaberley-Hooten has unveiled to the world, the magnificent TyrannoKneeasaurus full skeleton fossil. This is, by far the most spectacular in a string of discoveries by the paleontological phenom that began in her college days.

Fossilized Remains of the Tyrannokneeasaurus
Dr. Evelyn VanMaberley-Hooten’s spectacular discovery, the TyrannoKneeasaurus

Discovered in the badlands of Fort Farkinflat, Saskatchewan, Canada  in the late summer of 1996. Several teams were scouring the badlands to no avail when Dr. VanMaberley-Hooten came upon what looked to be a thumb bone. As fortune would have it that one thumb bone would redraw the picture of what we thought we knew about dinosaurs up until that point.

Holy what the…that’s impressive

What has been uncovered is the most complete skeletal remains of the Terrible
Kneed Lizard ever found and it has made the connection once and for all to the modern day Kneemonster. The fossil remains showed all of the hallmarks that Kneemonsterologists look for

The Waddle
The Four Not working knees
The telltale signs of unhappiness

Dr. Evelyn VanMaberley-Hooten
Dr. Evelyn VanMaberley-Hooten

Theories abound about what this maginifcient creatures final actions were leading up to its remains being fossilized, but Dr. VanMaberley-Hooten refuses to speculate any further until the remains are properly, excavated , preserves and sent back to The National Scientific Stuff Society Centre for Ancient Kneemonsterological Studies in Lower East Raccoon Dander, Wyoming.

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