Below a picture of a young Kneefish… a very, very, VERY young kneefish to be honest
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Pictured here is the first introduction a young Kneefish receives to his family. The reproductive system of the Kneefish being what it is, every newborn kneefish anxiously awaits it’s first meal. Much to the shigrin of another newborn Kneefish.
Earnest Marbles, notorious cartographer who once had an ocean named after him …by him.
Born under the name Marmadukeorsomethinglikethat Nickerson (Named by his mother and passed along to census takers by his inattentive father) Nickerson lived his childhood in and around the seaport towns of Wales on the cusp of the age of Pirates. … Continue reading
This Issue, The National Scientific Stuff Society is pleased to introduce the eminent and well renowned Military Historian, Dr. Daniel Infintismo, who has graciously taken time from his lucrative North American lecture tour to pen this exhaustive history of the … Continue reading
Breaking News Nickerson standing in front of a New species of Hominid, Thornetol-Man Today on his Nationwide lecture tour, Dr Knickerless Nickerson, in a prelude to his long anticipated Nickerson Family history, has revealed groundbreaking findings that already have the … Continue reading
National Scientific Stuff Magazine will take you now, down the same garden path that the famed Buddhist, Sunrise Di’Vu took on his pilgrimage from India to China and then on to Japan spreading his own particular flavour of Buddhism as … Continue reading
The Large Lumbering Prehistoric Three Horned Kneeopod An Expansion in the Family Tree Although often overshadowed by the Landmark discovery of the Tyrannokneeosaurus , the discovery of the Three Horned Kneeopod is important in its own right. Until this discovery, … Continue reading
In what is being hailed as one of the most new refreshing insights into Norse history, Swedish Archaeologists, Kalline and Georgh Mckennikson have unveiled the pieced together fragments of stone that once were carved by PJ Nickerson to inform all … Continue reading
In what could possibly be the crowning achievement in archeology, Dr. Evelyn VanMaberley-Hooten has unveiled to the world, the magnificent TyrannoKneeasaurus full skeleton fossil. This is, by far the most spectacular in a string of discoveries by the paleontological phenom … Continue reading